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Bowie at the V&A

EVENTUALLY! The Bowie exhibition at the V&A was well worth waiting for!

To drift around his over life size images listening to my favourite tunes that I grew up with was not such a guilty pleasure… it was divine! Excellently executed with headphones injecting Bowies words of wisdom and music directly into my brain… offerings of video footage of his live shows and the opportunity to see clips of all his films. I found myself watching 12 TV’s with David …. ‘Man who fell to Earth’ stylee!

For a Bowie fan this Exhibition is Pure Indulgence… BUT how ridiculous that my little girl was asked to be quiet when singing and dancing to Starman by a security guard!!! What happened to “let the children play, let the children Boogie?” Also, where was the Young American? This is a travesty that the curators decided to omit one of my favourite style of Bowies many writing styles.

I still want to go again tho!